The buzz you get when you're playing a song and everyone is screaming and dancing and what have you and singing along is incredible.
Knowledge (curriculum) and behavior (pedagogy) are embedded in everyone’s core beliefs about the nature of God, humanity, and the world.
People crave for more respect than love, because they expect love only from few people but they want respect from everyone.
True humanity demands that every human should be loved equally, but if that's not possible for you then at least love whoever you wants to but respect everyone.
It's much easier to cheat than it is to be loyal. Everyone goes through down times. You just don't put yourself in those situations, you know?
When you go to take someone's picture, the first thing they say is, what you want me to do? Everyone is very awkward.
Everyone says corruption is everywhere, but for me it seems strange to say that and then not try to put the people guilty of that corruption away.
Everyone had a dirty, little secret that is never spoken out loud to anyone. Which is another way of saying people are never what they seem.
My sexuality is something I'm completely comfortable with and open about. There's a lot of prejudice toward us but the more people talk about it, the less of a big deal it will be. And that will be better for everyone.
Mother's ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide.
Everyone sees they cannot well live asunder, nor many together, without some rule to which all must submit.
Knowing "Attitude is Everything" is just right ,but understanding what is truly the right attitude is justly the greatest thing for everyone's life.
LOVE YOURSELF" does not mean to do only what one feels or perceives is right, but the thing which is morally right for everyone.
Everyone knows and understands the good values, but it is only the best people who go better to do good to uplift the human values.
A person who has gone through enough life’s grind can probably and justifiably find the true worth of anything or anyone in his or everyone’s life.
A person who does many things differently and often independently makes perhaps the biggest difference of the highest significance for the greatest excellence in everyone's life.
At LearnVest, we're working to make financial planning both accessible and affordable so that everyone has the opportunity to get on track financially.
I'm always happy to blow up any misconceptions that people have about stage school cos everyone thinks it's really nasty there but it's not.
I would ask my parents something, but then go to my siblings. We were encouraged to bounce ideas off everyone.
I look forward to putting out the new CD and doing the television performances to show everyone that B. Brown is back. In fact, I never left.