Play off everyone against each other so that you have more avenues of action open to you.
Howard HughesEveryone loves characters that are relatable or who have unique quirks or tragic flaws.
Joe MadureiraYeah, I guess everyone's had a reasonable amount of sex in their lives, some less than others.
Josh SilverThe Emmy should be an ensemble award, too. I kept howling at everyone else's performances.
Jeffrey TamborEveryone seemed to be doing well except me and my career. And my accent was no helping me any.
Desi ArnazEveryone has the bully or the mean girl or the ex-boyfriend who tried to bring them down.
Demi LovatoEveryone thinks that just because you have a Scouse accent, then you must be 'on the rob'.
Jennifer EllisonPeople are like stars in the night sky, all are not equal, but still, everyone shines.
Joe Mari Fadrigalan