Theodore: [while playing his virtual reality game and controlling his avatar into an unrecognizable realm] Yeah, this is different. [Suddenly, Alien Child jumps on his avatar, knocking it to the ground. His avatar quickly gets up] Theodore: Hello? [S...
Harry: Hagrid, who gave you the Dragon Egg? What did he look like? Hagrid: I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up. Harry: This stranger, though, you and he must've talked. Hagrid: Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I look...
Joly: Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Grantaire: Some wine and say what's going on! Marius: A ghost, you say? A ghost, maybe. She was just like a ghost to me. One minute there, then she was gone. Grantaire: I ...
Elvis: Yo, man, I ain't askin' nobody nothin'! Nick, Slevin, Clark Kent, whatever the fuck your name is. The Virgin Mary herself could com waltzin' up in here with her fine ass, titties hangin' out and everything, and if she tells me your name is Jes...
Mr. Hayes: All right, Billy. I know it sounds tought, but we are going to get you out! I promise you. I don't want you to get stupid and pull anything. They can play with your sentence. All right. Now, I'm putting 500 dollars in the bank. Anything yo...
Frank T.J. Mackey: [Frank is speaking to followers at his seminar] Men are shit. What? Men... are... *shit*. What, isn't that what they say? Because we do bad things, don't we? We do horrible, heineous, *heinous*, terrible things. Things that no woma...
Rusty: Tell me this is not about her, or I am walking. I am walking off this job right now. Danny: Who? Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife. Danny: Ex-wife. Rusty: Tell me. Danny: It's not ...
[David and Howard are eating lunch at school and studying for the "Pleasantville" Trivia Competition] Howard: Okay, in the very first "Pleasantville" episode, whose window did Bud break when he was playing with his father's golf clubs? David: Easy: M...
Henryk Szpilman: What's the matter with you all, huh? You lost your sense of humor? Wladyslaw Szpilman: That's not funny. Henryk Szpilman: Well, you know what's funny? You're funny, with that ridiculous tie. Wladyslaw Szpilman: [getting angry] What'r...
The Coachman: How would you blokes like to make some real money? [Lays a large bag of money on the table] Foulfellow: Well! And who do we have to, eh... [Makes throat-slashing motion] The Coachman: No, no. Nothing like that. You see... [Looks around ...
Mark Van Doren: I'm sorry, Charlie. I'm an old man, it's all a little difficult for me to comprehend! Charles Van Doren: It's television, Dad. It's... it's just... just television... Mark Van Doren: You make it sound like you didn't have a choice! Ch...
Skinner: [growling] What are you playing at? Linguini: [uncertain] Um, uh... am I still fired? Colette: You can't fire him. Skinner: What? Colette: LeClaire likes it, yeah? She made a point of telling you so. if she write a review to that effect and ...
Young Chas Tenenbaum: [about Margot's play] Well, what'd you think, Dad? Royal: Didn't seem believable to me. [to Eli] Royal: Why are you wearing pajamas? Do you live here? Young Richie Tenenbaum: He has permission to sleep over. Young Chas Tenenbaum...
Oberon: You know, Marlene and Gossie's the ones running the game on you, Ray. They sliced up the pie the first night you played. Thirty-five percent off the top. Plus Gossie's double scale as leader. Ray Charles: Leader. If anyone's leadin' the band ...
Ray Charles: That's Diz. Emanon! Quincy Jones: Yeah, but what's it spell backwards? Ray Charles: Come on man, why don't you give me something difficult? "No name." Quincy Jones: Say, daddy-o, what axe you play? Ray Charles: Uh, piano. Just blew in fr...
Danny Torrance: Mom? Wendy Torrance: Yeah? Danny Torrance: Do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter? Wendy Torrance: Sure I do. It'll be lots of fun. Danny Torrance: Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, there's hardly anybody to play with ...
Captain von Trapp: Now, Fraulein. I want a truthful answer from you. Maria: Yes, Captain? Captain von Trapp: Is it possible - or could I have just imagined it - have my children by any chance been climbing trees today? Maria: Yes, Captain. Captain vo...
Ham Porter: *play ball!* Hurry up, batter. This better be a short game, I gotta get home for lunch. [Pitcher pitches and the batter fails to even swing] Ham Porter: Haha, that's one. [cuts to new pitch] Ham Porter: [to the batter] You know, if my dog...
Olive: Dear diary, I'm afraid I'm gravely ill. It is perhaps times like these that one reflects on things past. An article of clothing from when I was young. A green jacket. I walk with my father. A game we once played. Pretend we're faeries. I'm a g...
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with every day? Lotso: All day long! Five days a week. Jessie: But what happens when the kids grow up? Lotso: Well now, I'll tell you. [Lotso walks over to a wall with class photos from past ...
Alonzo Harris: Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Huh. You think you can do this shit... Jake. You think you can do this to me? You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished ...