Some guys practice like all-Americans but they can't play!
I'm not as surprised in going from playing 1,000 seats to 4,000 seats as I was from 100 to 500 seats.
Farce is tragedy played at a thousand revolutions per minute.
I started playing harp about fourteen years ago.
Pacino's always played the suffering prince. I just find that interesting.
How you played in yesterday's game is all that counts.
I'm used to performing under pressure, but that's playing football.
The game-playing market today is pretty sizable.
I've never played Dungeons & Dragons, but I'm actually pretty familiar with it.
All the colleges I played, most of the colleges, they were white.
The song I like to do is 'Dead.' I'm constantly playing that one.
I taught myself how to play when I was about 13. I'm a lefty.
If I was like some of the characters I played, I'd probably be dead by now.
Millionaires don't play the blame game but the gain game.
On every show that I have been on, I have played myself.
Go ahead and play the blues if it'll make you happy.
I'm an actor and this is a role I'm playing. But people can get wacky.
You can not argue with stupid but you can certainly play with it.
I've done classical theaters. I played Hamlet myself and Romeo.
I don't even like playing a contentious role.
I just go out and play.