People expect things from art that are horrible for us who make it! They put the things we make in these restrictive places called 'museums,' then don't want to hear another word from us.
I always imagined myself somehow as an electron around some atom, and you're just, like, bouncing around and spinning. There was a never-ending supply of places to go, people to see, things to do, and fitting it all in became kind of an art.
Well, laddie, if you've let an old buzzard like me hurt you confidence, you couldn't have had much in the first place.
Private life, book life, took place where words met imagination without passing through the world.
It seemed any young woman at odds with her place in life--be she a genteel lady or a serving girl--might find a happier home within the pages of a book.
Monotony has nothing to do with a place; monotony, either in its sensation or its infliction, is simply the quality of a person. There are no dreary sights; there are only dreary sight seers.
The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death, to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place.
If you do wrestle with it and find the spring of its opening it will be a place to rest in all the days of your life.
Listen, gods die when they are forgotten. People too. But the land's still here. The good places, and the bad. The land isn't going anywhere. And neither am I.
The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth.
Many families remain for years in the same place, though both husband and wife are sick of it, simply because there is neither complete division nor agreement between them.
Just a quick glimpse to assure myself that everything was buttoned and unbuttoned in the best places and pointing in the right direction.
When the time comes for you to leave this earth, if it doesn’t become a lesser place with your absence, then you have wasted your life.
In the mind of the public, she seemed endowed with an almost supernatural power to commit heinous acts, no matter the time or place.
In the mind of the public, she seemed endowed with an almost supernatural power to commit heinous acts, now matter the time or place.
I do my best thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. No interruptions. No noise. I like the feeling of being awake when no one else is.
After a day and a half or so the traveler will realize that crossing the continent by Interstate he gets to know the country about as well as a cable messenger knows the sea bottom.
We shouldn't live as if [other worlds] mattered more than this life in this world, because where we are is always the most important place.
Humility, the place of entire dependence on God, is the first duty and the highest virtue of the creature, and the root of every virtue. And so pride, or the loss of this humility, is the root of every sin and evil.
Books do not age as you and I do. They will speak still when you and I are gone, to generations we will never see. Yes, the books must survive.
But if there must be an end, let it be loud. Let it be bloody. Better to burn than to wither away in the dark.