My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.
You can't be a superhero or super mom.
La tristesse durera toujours. [ ]
A lot of women feel ashamed to be weak.
Art can only be taught by artists.
If a nonartist teaches a subject called art, it is nonart.
I left school on my 15th birthday.
The unique must be fulfilled.
History is about loops and continuums.
I don't really love computers.
Damn everything but the circus.
The word 'suffering' is not in my vocabulary.
Money is a never-ending problem.
The only sin is mediocrity.
Censorship is the height of vanity.
It is always better to be slightly underdressed.
Black is not a color.
In this business, life is one long fund-raising effort.
A great painting is a great painting.
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
I am a simple man.