Time can change the laws of physics.
Metaphysics is the other end of physics.
Good metaphysics has its roots in good physics.
Time is the key to the heart of physics.
The language of the universe is not math, but physics.
Math is the dirty part of physics.
Patience, that blending of moral courage with physical timidity.
As a model, part of my job is to be critiqued physically.
It's physically and psychologically exhausting to make a film.
Physical intimacy is easy. Emotional intimacy is hard.
Man is a physical and spiritual epitome of the Universe.
Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists.
All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
Chemistry is the dirty part of physics.
As I look around on Sunday morning at the people populating the pews, I see the risk that God has assumed. For whatever reason, God now reveals himself in the world not through a pillar of smoke and fire, not even through the physical body of his Son...
But true individuality is more about being in tune with who you truly are, whether you're expressing yourself physically, mentally, or spiritually; individuality arises from living without fear of what other might think or say about you and without b...
Nature is a hanging judge," goes an old saying. Many tragedies come from our physical and cognitive makeup. Our bodies are extraordinarily improbable arrangements of matter, with many ways for things to go wrong and only a few ways for things to go r...
Most Muggles lived in a world defined by the limits of what you could do with cars and telephones. Even though Muggle physics explicitly permitted possibilities like molecular nanotechnology or the Penrose process for extracting energy from black hol...
After all, is it not the way we humans shape the universe, shape time itself? Do we not take the raw stuff of chaos and impose a beginning, middle, and end on it, like the simplest and most profound of folktales, to reflect the shapes of our own tiny...
in the heat of unprecedented technological breakthroughs it is easy to think that we are invincible, like gods who would rule the world. But none of us need be reminded that the future of our planet is being held hostage by our own cleverness, with n...
There are some delightful places in this world which have a sensual charm for the eyes. One loves them with a physical love. We people who are attracted by the countryside cherish fond memories of certain springs, certain woods, certain ponds, certai...