Man in photo: She is in love. Nino Quincampoix: I don't even know her! Man in photo: Oh, you know her. Nino Quincampoix: Since when? Man in photo: Since always. Man in photo: In your dreams.
I don't have a favorite photo. As a photographer, I have attachments to each image. Not the one photo: the experience of getting the photos is the challenge or the thing.
I hate doing photo shoots.
Also, Willie, I dig telling the truth. Words can be twisted but a photo never lies. Sutton laughs. What’s funny? Photographer says. Nothing. Except—that’s pure horseshit kid. I can’t think of anything that lies more than a photo. In fact ever...
I hate the photo shoots.
Ryan Bingham: Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginko and let the photos burn.
Music is extremely important to have on photo shoots - it brings the mood.
I hate the photo shoots. I hate all that stuff.
It's not about worthiness, it's about willingness.
God is all about passion for the possible.
The Kingdom of God is the already but not yet". ~R. Alan Woods [1998]
Sometimes I'll use four or five different photo apps on one photo just to get it where I want it to be.
When I'm doing a photo shoot, I'm not playing a part. I'm just trying to be myself.
Good and bad exist always, everywhere
This ain't my first rodeo!". ~R. Alan Woods [1999]
Don't neglect your heart, it needs attention too.
Freedom for freedoms sake." ~R. Alan Woods [2006]
The Trinity: One in Three, Three in One". ~R. Alan Woods [1999]
The future is in photos for social media. More and more people are not reading, so I try to attach a photo to most Tweets.
The mystery of Evil and its origin & purposes". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
Our healing is in His hands". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]