Rob: [Discussing his break-up with Laura while on the phone with his mom] Laura didn't even want to get married. That's not what happens now. Rob's Mom: [exasperated] Oh, I don't know what happens now, except you meet a girl, you move in, she goes! Y...
Yuri Orlov: [voiceover] I'm not saying I didn't have setbacks. It's not called "gunrunning" for nothing. You've gotta be fast on your feet. Some revolutions blow over before the guns even get there. There's nothing more expensive for an arms dealer t...
Billy Ray Valentine: [Billy Ray is in jail] I wish my bitches would get here. I ain't got time to be sitting in this cell with you. Even Bigger Black Guy: Where are your bitches, Mr. Big-Time Pimp? Big Black Guy: Yeah! Billy Ray Valentine: [to cellma...
Max Belfort: [hears a phone] Who the fuck has the goddamn gall to call this house on a Tuesday night? God damn it! Leah Belfort: [watching TV] You're going to miss it! Max Belfort: Tell me something I don't know, I wait all week for the fucking Equal...
Penny Lane: [to William, who is on the phone with his mother] This is Beth from Denver. She's one of the legendary, original Band Aids - she's clairvoyant! Beth from Denver: I can't read your mind or anything. I mean, I pick up things here and there....
According to the anthropic principle proponents, if the universal constants (e.g. gravitation, the strong force, etc.) were just a nose-hair off, the universe as we know it would not exist; stars wouldn't form and there would be no life and no us. Th...
Jean Lundegaard: [reprimanding Scotty, who is eating and watching TV, paying no attention] I am talking about your potential. You're not a 'C' student. Scotty Lundegaard: Uh huh... Jean Lundegaard: Yet you're gettin' 'C' grades. It's the disparity he...
Helen: [on the phone] I'd like to speak to Edna, please. Edna: This is Edna. Helen: E? This is Helen. Edna: Helen who? Helen: Helen Parr. You know... [sighs] Helen: [whispers] Elastigirl. Edna: [booming] DARLING! How are you, it's been such a long ti...
Bobby Buell: Brock! Brock! There's a satellite call for you. Brock Lovett: Bobby, we're launching now. See these submersibles going into the water? [motions to the subs] Bobby Buell: Trust me, buddy, you wanna take this call. [nods seriously as Bobby...
Count the times. The number of times you have seen the silence of another world seep though a crack. The number of times you have heard the sea trying to escape from the blue painted wall.
Numbers still gave Astrid pleasure. That was the great thing about numbers: it required no faith to believe that two plus two equaled four. And math never, ever condemned you for your thoughts and desires.
You're my friend who happens to be pretty and female. You do realize being your friend doesn't mean I don't have a penis?
Sometimes you feel like people go, 'Oh, he just does funny dances,' or 'That's cute.' It drives me a little crazy when someone does a dance number where all they do is kick to their head for five minutes, and everyone's like, 'That choreography is am...
I don't know where you have to go or what you have to do, but I'll wait for you, John. Every bit of my heart belongs to you, whether you ask for it or not.
There is no longer a single idea explaining everything, but an infinite number of essences giving a meaning to an infinite number of objects. The world comes to a stop, but also lights up.
The strange word nymphomation, used to denote a complex mathematical procedure where numbers, rather than being added together or multiplied or whatever, were actually allowed to breed with each other to produce new numbers.
Well, number one I like dancing. Number two I knew it would be challenging because I had never done this type of dance before. I always wanted to and I happened to have the courage to go out there and give it my best shot.
The probability of an event is the reason we have to believe that it has taken place, or that it will take place. The measure of the probability of an event is the ratio of the number of cases favourable to that event, to the total number of cases fa...
I still remember the entire Boy Scout motto. I don't remember the serial number of my gun in the army. I don't remember the number of my locker in school. But I remember that Boy Scout code.
Sometimes I get a call from my bank, and the first thing they ask is, 'Mr. Mitnick, may I get your account number?' And I'll say, 'You called me! I'm not giving you my account number!'
What's the rush? Recognise that with the time at our disposal, there is only a limited number of good books you can read, a few really good movies worth seeing, and a finite number of hours, days, years to enjoy them!