Severus Snape: It appears there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own. Whether he is, as yet, aware of this connection is for the moment unclear. Pray he remains ignorant. Harry Potter: You mean if he knows about it then, he'll be...
Well, obviously, she's feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then i expect she's feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can't work out who she likes best. Then she'll be feeling guilty, thinking it's an insult...
[Ron and Hermione ask Harry about his first kiss with Cho] Ron Weasley: Well? How was it? Harry Potter: Wet. I mean, she was sort of crying. Ron Weasley: [laughs] That bad at it, are you? Hermione Granger: I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satis...
Harry Potter: How come you're not at the feast? Luna Lovegood: I've lost all my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them. Harry Potter: That's awful! Luna Lovegood: Oh, it's all good fun. But as this is the last night, I really do need th...
Sybil Trelawney: 16 years I've lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this! Dolores Umbridge: Actually, I can. [McGonagall arrives and tries to comfort Trelawney] Dolores Umbridge: [to McGonagall] Something you'd like to say, dear? ...
Hermione Granger: What's wrong with your hand? Harry Potter: Nothing. [Harry hides his left hand under his book and shows her his right hand] Hermione Granger: Your other hand. [grabbing his left arm from under his book] Hermione Granger: You've got ...
Sirius Black: We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. [everyone turns to look at Sirius] Sirius Black: Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command, not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He has been recr...
Harvey Milk: Hey, I like the way your pants fit... Where are you from, kid? Cleve Jones: [laughs] Sorry old man, not interested. Harvey Milk: I'm Harvey Milk. I'm running for Supervisor. What's your name? Cleve Jones: Cleve... Jones. Harvey Milk: Wel...
Little Cinder Girl, they can't understand you. You rise from the as-heap in a blaze and only then do they recognize you as their one true love. While you pray beneath your mother's tree you carrve a phoenix into your palm wth aa hazel twig and coal; ...
Albus Dumbledore: [after Sirius' death] I know how you feel, Harry. Harry Potter: No you don't. [pause] Harry Potter: It's my fault. Albus Dumbledore: No, the fault is mine. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection bet...
Harry Potter: [stepping out of the Dursleys' house onto the street] Where are we going?. The letter said I have been expelled from Hogwarts. Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody: You haven't been. Not yet. [looks at Kingsley] Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody: Kingsley...
Do you see, Harry? Do you see the flaw in my brilliant plan now? I had fallen into the trap I had foreseen, that I had told myself I could avoid, that I must avoid.” “I don’t —” “I cared about you too much,” said Dumbledore simply. “I...