It is not the size of our problems but the size of our God that matters most.
Hunger No More: A 1-Year Devotional Journey Through the PsalmsIt is not 'progressive' to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life.
The Joy of the Gospel: Evangelii GaudiumPrayer releases your problems to God.
The Remarkable Prayers of the Bible: Transforming Power for Your Life TodayStrangest problems of life seem clearing; but clouds sweep between--Is my journey’s end coming?
Moby-Dick; or, The WhaleThink in terms of opportunities and solutions instead of problems, disappointment, and failure.
No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy BookParanoia. The more you think of an imaginary problem, the more you feel as though it’s real –
Nightmarish SacrificeThe problem with having friends was that you might lose them. Or they might get hurt.
Lois Lane: Fallout