Whatever crimes this man had committed, they weren't as egregious as his inflated self-image.
Stolen PetalsThe person who floated the axe with a stick is in charge of my affairs, so marvel not.
Petals Around The RoseThey are so frail humans. So easily crumpled and broken, like flower petals under foot.
The Goblin MarketDespite the gentlemanly kiss, a ferocity burned behind his gaze promising something primal.
Stolen PetalsOh darling, I don't slip into the sack with just anyone and when I do, I prefer gentlemen.
Stolen PetalsYou are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.
Om Chanting and MeditationI'm enormously afraid of one inevitable and trivial thing - that one day I'll simply cease to exist.
Petals of Decades