At any one time language is a kaleidoscope of styles, genres and dialects.
I never knew a writer yet who took the smallest pains with his style and was at the same time readable.
I don't think you go out of style when you're living in the present most of the time. And I think that is what I do.
It's not my job to try and alter the director's style - he's in charge, and I'll always give him my trust.
Dov: But sometime earlier in the night I did have fuckability style, right?
Johnny Wong: Everything goes in and out of style, except war.
Street drummer: Now back to Gene Krupa's syncopated style
I really love clothes, but I think I have a style of my own which is quite eclectic.
I was backstage in Paris and saw Cindy Crawford doing House Of Style. I thought, I would love to to be in control of my career.
My style is boho chic. I love that time period - the patterns, the prints, the people, the music, the vibe.
My style is part of the music I like, the bands I see, the people I surround myself with, the places I go to.
I feel like I definitely have a real sporty style, more so than a lot of people in G.O.O.D. Music.
I combine aspects of many styles of music and create my own musical forms by way of electronic instruments.
I'm not a pop act, churning stuff out really quickly. I find the music that arises from that style of working is distracted, not particularly profound.
Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt.
We women are so judged by the way we dress, and men are not. So style is part of developing your own brand.
This is actually something no one knows, but my mom was really the one who created the entire style for 'Teen Witch.' I'm dead serious.
Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.
Create your own style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
I like to think that if I were gay I would be out. Rupert Everett-style.
I think Lincoln had a unique parenting style. He let his kids run free and wild.