I'm not a mushy person at all.
I'm just a laid-back person.
Jealousy is the worst trait in any person.
In another life, I could be a personal shopper.
People seem to think that life began with the achievement of personal independence.
Life with another person is always difficult.
I'm a very hyper person.
I'm so not a financial person.
I'm not a very skeptical person.
I'm a private kind of person.
A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip.
You have to be a strong person to be in music, especially.
I'm 6'2 and not a small person.
I'm not a first-place person.
I'm not a one-issue person.
Well, I'm an independent person.
My work is intensely personal.
I wish I had more friends, but people are such jerks. If you can just get most people to leave you alone, you're doing good. If you can find even one person you really like, you're lucky. And if that person can also stand you, you're really lucky.
About time, what I really learned from studying English is: time is different with timing. I understand the difference of these two words so well. I understand falling in love with the right person in the wrong timing could be the greatest sadness in...
Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will no...
A person is not like a thing that you put down in one place and leave, a person moves, thinks, asks, questions, doubts, investigates, probes, and while it is true that, out of a long habit of resignation, he sooner or later ends up looking as if he h...