I personally love a cliffhanger - I think it just extends the pleasure of viewing.
I love showing my personality in my cooking.
I love comedy because I'm naturally a very silly person.
Bobby Womack is always very real, both with his music and as a person.
Music is a whole oasis in my head. The creation process is so personal and fulfilling.
My only personal time is a couple of hours in the gym in the morning.
I've never understood what the upside of marriage would be for me personally.
Truth is not a matter of personal viewpoint.
Every personal existence was upheld by a secret.
Every person has a great story to write.
Be the person you wish to be, not who you are told to be.
Your personality should be described in poem not in paragraph.
I want to be a person who makes a quiet difference.
I'm very much a lead by example person.
the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
I'm the most stubborn person I know.
I don't think of myself as a powerful person.
It is important to democratize personal genetics and make it more accessible.
Television is a young person's medium.
I've always been a person with patience, and I don't like to force things.
When you write, no matter what, it ends up personal.