A leader cannot avoid being hated. This hatred is directly proportional to his influence and power. A person who does not wish to be hated should avoid leadership roles.
And remember: you must not overwork your body, or your soul. You must not enslave yourself, as you would not enslave any other person. You must be the custodian of your self.
Had Keirah and her sisters known what was set in motion the day their stones appeared and how personally they would be affected by it, they would have still fought the darkness, still battled for what belonged to them.
I will add that I do not believe his admiration of my person, dazzling through I am, to be sincere. He told me I was a beautiful, sparkling lady.
/.../happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one's dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself.
You are both daring and unscrupulous, and you think fast. I have been looking for a person with those particular characteristics. Also I noticed you speak Babylonian.
When a person feels powerless in regard to controlling his life, he can defend against the discomfort of such an experience by asserting control over someone else.
I don't want to be the person who gasps in fear whenever she hears the sound of a doorbell or a phone. I just want to lose myself in these hills, in the river winding west to the city of bridges.
Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé. (Miss one person and the world seems empty.)
People can believe in their own progress and success. They can even believe in strangers success. But when it comes to success of anyone from their social circle, they think, it must be by fluke and the other person doesn't deserve it.
As I get older I find that the friendships that are the most certain, ultimately, are the ones where you and the other person have made substantial amounts of money for one another.
Miles and years become suddenly invisible when you find yourself back where you started from, as if you've learned nothing and you are once again the person you once were.
Leading a missional church is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and to lead the church beyond it personal limits.
It is a matter of perspective, the difference between opponent and partner," Tsukiko says. "You step to the side and the same person can be either or both or something else entirely. It is difficult to know which face is true.
I am the happiest person on this world, who has never seen ups and downs in life. I got whatever I wished for… And I woke up!
I personally believe this: We have only today; yesterday's gone and tomorrow is uncertain. That's why they call it the present. And sobriety really is a gift... for those who are willing to receive it.
A brand is built action by action, just as houses are built brick by brick. Is the identity of your personal brand homeless?
A personal brand, once local and temporal, is now global and forever. That’s the blessing and the curse of the internet with regards to your reputation.
The only personal branding consultant who can ever hope to have a clear understanding of you and your value can be found in the mirror.
It's not that we fear the place of darkness, but that we don't think we are worth the effort to find the place of light.
We live in bad times. People do harm to those they don’t understand. There is nothing worse than a closed mind and the blind trust that you are the only person to be right.