Nothing is as sad as seeing a person who used to have power have none.
Gollum has a weak personality and isn't able to cope with the power of the ring.
Oh, I don't have any fans. Personally? I don't have any.
A person with a cold heart can only show their love by being cold.
The myth of management is that your personal values are irrelevant or inappropriate at work.
The first and most important person you must believe in is yourself.
The right to kill another person is not a right that I would agree with and support.
What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?
Sometimes absence is required, to feel a person's presence more intensely.
Loyalty to a wrong person always paid darkness, Nothing else!
Don't judge people because someone's molehill could be another person's mountain.
If you never speak out, the person looking for you will never find you!
I'm not that involved in personal grooming. But I try not to be offensive to people.
All I need is my brains, my eyes and my personality, for better or for worse.
Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.
I am not self-destructive. I am not a person who wants to die.
Any concept of one person being superior to another can lead to racism.
No thoroughly occupied person was ever found really miserable.
I've trained myself to illuminate the things in my personality that are likable and to hide and protect the things that are less likeable.
Believe it or not, I'm as much a fan of a supper shortcut as the next person.