I am a person who sticks to her word.
A person from Northern Ireland is naturally cautious.
Without story books is like a person with no soul.
I'm not the type of person who thinks up a joke and has to tell everyone.
You know what my greatest personal stumbling block is? My shyness.
They are very personal, emotional songs - people react to them very strongly.
If you tell a lie to make a person better, then that is not a sin.
The person who's had the biggest impact on my career is Rick Celebrini, the physiotherapist.
I had Botox and I hated it. For four long months, I looked like a different person.
You should see my house. It's sort of explosive. Like a crazy person lives there.
Bodies are becoming our personal mission to tame, extend and perfect.
My fellow citizens, the American Presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery.
Emotionally, a person is tied to the land of his birth. It's only human.
I want to feel that every trip I make has enhanced me as a person.
I was never a rah-rah person. I never sold drugs or did anything crazy.
Expensive pleasures will soon bring the richest person down.
I'm not a genetically superior person. I built my body.
The person you want to become is an another of your fear and frustration.
Often I think of personal behavior and judgment errors as being superficial wounds.
I'm just the highest energy person I know, and it's really weird.
If a person is not willing to make a mistake, you're never going to do anything right.