I'm obsessed with horrible movies.
Harry: Well what I'm doing for the guy who likes to bluff is I'm playing a little game called "Am I Bluffing?" [Loads one round into the revolver to play Russian Roulette] Harry: Where is she? Where the fuck is Harmony? You want to play hardball? I c...
Perry: Rule number one: this business, real life, it's boring. Do you have to smoke? Harry: You want me to put it out? Perry: Yeah, soon as you find a large, brown clump of shrubs, just throw it in there.
All of the best songs happen on a whim.
Golf and dating don't mix.
Euphemism is a euphemism for lying.
Surfing is my religion, if I have one.
The best revenge in the world is success.
I don't believe in retirement.
Don't kill the golden goose.
When your will power is gone, you are helpless.
Beauty has a lot to do with character.
Desire is individual. Happiness is common.
I'm finally dating. It's fun.
I'm single, and I hate dating.
It's the power of the brand. We've never formally advertised.
Harry: Oh Wow. Woo. It's tiny. Is this real? Perry: Yeah, it's a Derringer. It's loaded. I call it my faggot gun. Harry: Because... Perry: Because its only good for a couple shots, then you gotta drop it for something better. You asked, Chief.
Perry: How about you, Harry, did your father love you? Harry: Ah, sometimes, like when I dressed up like a bottle. How about yours? Perry: Well, he used to beat me in Morse code, so it's possible, but he never actually said the words.
Creed's sound is my sound.
I say it's a girls' world.
No matter how nice a hotel is, it's not home.