In 2015 tattoos are more permanent than marriages
Temporary solutions often become permanent problems.
There can be no permanent disfranchised peasantry in the United States.
Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job.
People want chat histories. They're a permanent testimony of a relationship.
The only permanent thing in this world is change.
Careful. The fall is quick, steep, and permanent.
My father calls acting 'a state of permanent retirement with short spurts of work.'
Good deeds are permanent footprints.
There are people whose watch stops at a certain hour and who remain permanently at that age.
A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.
I have permanent damage to my body because I wanted to be thin.
The permanent campaign is inherently deceptive.
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.
That time is important. It gives a comforting illusion of permanence not found in running by the mile.
Meredith: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
We are by nature observers, and thereby learners. That is our permanent state.
Power is action; the electoral principle is discussion. No political action is possible when discussion is permanently established.
The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And has the nature of infinity.
the seriousness of emotional deprivation: It is not difficult to understand how children who have suffered from malnutrition or starvation need food and plenty of care in their bodies are to recover so they can go on to lead normal lives. If, however...