We need to move away from oil, period.
The '20s are a very interesting period to me.
But it was not possible to do this movie, in this matter of time, without a solid rehearsal period.
Over a long period of time, living as if you were someone else is no fun.
This war on terrorism is going to continue for an indefinite period of time.
I love period dramas and language, but I love comedy as well.
Beautiful film music can be made relevant to any period.
I don't like doing movies, period. Movies are hard. I like TV.
I am a writer, period!
A writer writes. Period. No matter if someone is buying your work or not.
The use of criticism, in periodical writing, is to sift, not to stamp a work.
In the early '20s, with the war over, there was a period of celebration, and you can see it in the fashion.
Our old age was in some respects the happiest period of life.
There is a period for hope and one for mourning.
The best decision I ever made, period, was to get into the music business.
The best part about stand-up is that you control everything. Period.
What is without periods of rest will not endure.
Sometimes in writing you have difficult periods and then other times it just flows.
Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.
In theater, you have a rehearsal period and you know just who to be.
Of all the elements in the periodic table, not a single one is indestructible.