Sometimes I think I'd be perfectly happy to go on rewriting 'Tipping the Velvet' forever because it was so much fun.
For centuries, the Muslims were able to co-exist perfectly well with Jews and Christians in the Middle East.
I left my mark on 'Dark Shadows.' One day I was doing my lines perfectly from Act 3. Everyone else was doing Act 2.
There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness.
My message isn't perfectly defined. I have, as a human being, fallen to peer pressure.
A neurotic can perfectly well be a literary genius, but his greatest danger is always that he will not recognize when he is dull.
I'm perfectly gregarious, but I can also be really happy left to my own devices with nobody watching me or listening to me.
The terror dementia sufferers must feel is unimaginable, but the techniques they use to hide their difficulties - the ducking and diving and keeping the world laughing - are perfectly understandable.
Don't worry about how something is going to happen, just know that it is all unfolding perfectly, whether you can see it or not.
As a person I'm perfectly vain, I'm just vainer as an actor about my ability. My acting vanity trumps my human vanity.
I did a lot of my writing as though I was an academic, doing some piece of research as perfectly as possible.
When something is beautiful in math, everything is just perfectly lined up, and you see through sheer thought that something really beautiful can take place.
I'm the sort of person who would be perfectly happy spending an entire day in a rare books room.
Making a movie is still very difficult in Hollywood, regardless of what you have and what level you're at. It is a house of cards, and things have to perfectly align.
If you really wanted to settle down the Middle East, if what you wanted was change in the Middle East, it is perfectly obvious that the first step is resolving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
I don't think things happen for a reason, but I think it's perfectly possible to experience life meaningfully.
Most food you drop is still perfectly edible. If it was in your eyesight the whole time, you can pick it up and eat it.
San Francisco is a mad city - inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people whose women are of a remarkable beauty.
God is an immensity, while this disease, this death, which is in me, this small, tightly defined pedestrian event, is merely and perfectly real, without miracle - or instruction.
On my death bed, I'm not going to say, 'God I wish I did more movies.' I'm perfectly happy I was present for the ones I did.
No one wants to live in a wheelchair unable to talk, only winking once for yes and twice for no. It's perfectly reasonable that there will come a point where the balance of judgment of life over death swings the other way.