Rob: Look at these. I used to dream I'd be surrounded by exotic women's underwear forever and ever. Now I know they just save their best pairs for the nights they know they're going to sleep with somebody.
Aibileen Clark: 18 people were killed in Jackson that night. 10 white and 8 black. I don't think God has color in mind when he sets a tornado loose.
Dr. Terence Wynn: Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car! Dr. Sam Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons!
Gillespie: Whatcha hit him with? Tibbs: Hit whom? Gillespie: "Whom"? "Whom"? Well, you a northern boy? What's a northern boy like you doing all the way down here?
[first lines] Ofcr. Sam Wood: Where you keeping the pie tonight? Ralph Henshaw, diner counterman: I ate the last piece just before you came in.
Gillespie: You look at bodies all the time in Philadelphia. Why can't you look at this one? Tibbs: Why can't you look at it for yourself? Gillespie: Because I'm not an expert. OFFICER!
Alan Garner: Hey what's that on your arm? Stu Price: Oh my God - Phil, you were in the hospital last night. Phil Wenneck: Yeah, I guess I was. Alan Garner: Are you okay?
[Ringo gets a large pile of fan mail] John: Must have cost you a fortune in stamps, Ringo. George: He comes from a large family.
Man on train: Don't take that tone with me, young man. I fought the war for your sort. Ringo: I bet you're sorry you won.
Ringo: [arrested, at the police station] I demand to see my solicitor! Police Inspector: What's his name? Ringo: Well, if you're gonna get technical about it...
John: Ringo, what are you up to? Ringo: [Ringo is sitting under a hairdryer wearing a beefeater's bearskin hat and reading a magazine] Page five! John: You always fancied yourself as a guardsman, didn't you?
Man On Train: I shall call the guard! Paul: Ah, but what? They don't take kindly to insults, you know. Let's go have some coffee and leave the kennel to Lassie!
[Huge stacks of fan mail is delivered] Ringo: None for me, then? Norm: Sorry. John: [handing Ringo one letter] Here, this'll keep you busy.
Grandfather: It's your nose, you know. Fans are funny that way, they take a dislike to things. They'll pick on a nose. Ringo: Aw, you pick on your own.
Ringo: Funny, really, 'cause I'd never thought of it, but being middle-aged and old takes up most of your time, doesn't it? Grandfather: You're only right.
Ellie Andrews: What is it that we're supposed to be doing again? Peter Warne: Hitchhiking. Ellie Andrews: Well you've shown me an excellent example of the hiking part. When does the hitching come in?
Grandpa: Every night it's the fucking chicken! Holy God Almighty! Is it possible just once we could get something to eat for dinner around here that's not the goddamned fucking chicken?
Jack Skellington: [singing] And on a dark cold night, under full moonlight, he flies into the fog like a vulture in the sky! [in a deeper tone] Jack Skellington: And they call him, Sandy... Clawssss...!
Newscaster: Reports, incredible as they may seem, are not the results of mass hysteria. Harry Cooper: "Mass hysteria?" What do they think, we're imagining all this? Ben: Shut up!
Helmut Grokenberger: [objecting to Yoyo's driving the cab] No, no, it's... Yoyo: What you mean 'No?' Helmut Grokenberger: It's not allowed! Not allowed! Yoyo: Look, yeah, it's allowed! This is New York!
[In Cousin Normy's backyard in the pouring rain] Ellen Griswold: We can't leave her on the patio! Clark: Would you rather I slipped her in the night deposit box at the funeral home?