The Lilac Rose Collection isn't just about purple. It features dusty pinks and heather grays, which are more natural shades of purple and are perfect for creating a feminine smoky eye.
Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is a pinky beige, that doesn't mean you can't wear deep burgundy.
You use the body as a medium to bring the mind back to the brain. Perfect married between body and mind. Then, you can knock the door to the spirit.
For a photographer, sharks are a stirring subject, possessing a perfect blend of grace and power. They have been sculpted by evolution and are ideally suited for whichever ecosystem they inhabit, from coral reefs to the open ocean.
People have to realize that just because you're a Christian, it doesn't mean that you're perfect, because every once in a while everyone stumbles.
There are two kinds of perfect: The one you can never achieve, and the other, by just being yourself.
The purpose of life is to perfect love, and love is selfless action. Therefore, the purpose of life is to live in a state of fearless union.
If we saw ourselves through the people's eyes we wouldn't be us anymore,we would change the flaws that make us perfect.
Life would be better if the Leafs would make the playoffs. Life would be perfect if they’d win the Stanley Cup.
Things are never perfect, so I never get too high about things, or get too down about things anymore.
You are nature. You are already perfect, peaceful, and powerful. You don’t need to become anything. You simply need to remember yourself.
Taking care of yourself isn’t about trying to become perfect. It’s about realizing and honouring, in every moment, that you already are.
To be ambitious of true honor, of the true glory and perfection of our natures, is the very principle and incentive of virtue.
The intellect of man is forced to choose Perfection of the life, or of the work And if it take the second must refuse A heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.
A well-made salad must have a certain uniformity; it should make perfect sense for those ingredients to share a bowl.
I don't understand people who like to work and talk about it like it was some sort of goddamn duty. Doing nothing feels like floating on warm water to me. Delightful, perfect.
When I first started doing work on how the Internet is affecting commerce, like a lot of people, I was really excited by this nearly perfect market.
I have no plans to retire. It's the perfect combination of work and play that keeps you young. If I quit work it would be the beginning of the end for me.
Husbands, be patient with your wives; and wives, be patient with your husbands. Don't expect perfection. Find agreeable ways to work out the differences that arise.
For since the fabric of the universe is most perfect and the work of a most wise Creator, nothing at all takes place in the universe in which some rule of maximum or minimum does not appear.
But quality of work can be expected only through personal satisfaction, dedication and enjoyment. In our profession, precision and perfection are not a dispensible luxury, but a simple necessity.