Certe volte è difficile stabilire se è l'alba o il tramonto. Qui il sole è sempre lo stesso. Quando è vicino all'orizzonte comincia ad adagiarsi, come felice di una morte a lungo aspettata. Oppure, se lo guardiamo da un'altra angolazione, sembra ...
Providing post-secondary and academic education to only 10 to 30 per cent of our prison population can translate to more than $60 billion a year added to state and national coffers.
we may always find a great and a beautiful city in the world for ourselves but the most precious and finest city to live in is our mind; a positive mind and a per second positive thoughts
[Mo] sapeva che a Caterina, Cecilia e Maria, quando avessero messo piede su Deneb, nessuno avrebbe chiesto di compilare un modulo sbarrando la F. e non la M. per relegarle di conseguenza in uno scompartimento di seconda categoria.
Everyday should be a working day on those difficult tasks. A little bit per day is the only way to make it through. Never feel it can't be done; it can be done with persistent actions, repeated input and consistent attendance!
Avevo perso gran parte del mio interesse per i cosmetici. Non che avessi smesso di preoccuparmi del mio aspetto, anzi, ma non riuscivo a comprendere sino in fondo come si potesse risultare simpatica o bella. Non capivo come funzionavano queste cose.
The cup flew out of my hands and my God was it beautiful. I wish the Planet Earth video crew were there to film it at 100 frames per second so that we could watch it again at super slow motion in all of it’s glory.
Per ironia della sorte, era stato il pensiero di lei a tenermi in vita fino a quel momento. Grazie a quel pensiero non avevo perso la ragione. Credevo in lei, nel futuro che avremmo vissuto insieme, così come altri credono in Dio
I meet so many that think population growth is a major problem in regard to climate change. But the number of children born per year in the world has stopped growing since 1990. The total number of children below 15 years of age in the world are now ...
Older fatherhood isn't all bad: testosterone rates drop about 1% per year as men age, making them less reactive and more patient, and a professionally established middle-aged man is likely to have more time and money to devote to his kids than a twen...
Gender is like a Rubik’s Cube with one hundred squares per side, and every time you twist it to take a look at another angle, you make it that much harder a puzzle to solve.
First of all, time travel per se does not exist. ‘Travel’ implies that you choose both your destination and when you come back. It’s more a ‘time shot,’ a ‘time through.’ But it’s definitely not time travel.
My gas tank is empty, and my stomach is empty, but my heart if full—of love. However, per gallon, I think I paid too much.
My grandmother is a little Cuban woman who cooks all day and speaks Spanish. Your grandmother watches pay-per-view porn." "She used to watch the Weather Channel, but she said there wasn't enough action." -Ranger and Stephanie
La nobiltà non fa per me. La ricchezza la stimo e non la stimo. Tutto il mio piacere consiste nel vedermi servita, desiderata, adorata. Questa è la mia debolezza, e questa è la debolezza di quasi tutte le donne...
To the world, it doesn’t matter that much. Until you remember that it means the world to the patient. One exact world, bright and full of sounds, per person. That is what is lost.
Sottotenente Montanelli: – Bere e vivere. Cognac. Dormire e vivere e cognac. Stare all’ombra e vivere. E ancora del cognac. E non pensare a niente. Perché, se dovessimo pensare a qualcosa, dovremmo ucciderci l’un l’altro e finirla una volta ...
What is your SPM (sperm per meal) content? A politician’s is very high.
Every day, three times per second, we produce the equivalent of the amount of data that the Library of Congress has in its entire print collection, right? But most of it is like cat videos on YouTube or 13-year-olds exchanging text messages about the...
You just want something else that someone else has, but that doesn't mean what you have isn't beautiful, because people always want what you have, and you always want what they have - no one is ever 100 per cent like, 'Yes, I'm the bomb dot com - fro...
When it comes to hitting solid drives, the secret is to swing within yourself. I know that sounds like a cliche, but it's true. If you swing at 100 miles per hour and hit it on the toe, you won't hit the ball as far as you would with an 80-mph swing ...