I don't really get to see a lot of other comedians, because I work with the same people all the time. The guy I really like is Nick DiPaulo. I love Nick DiPaulo, but again, he's a buddy of mine. But I liked him for a long time. I liked him before he ...
It is your sole responsibility to protect your peace of mind at all times. Don't allow miserable people to steal your joy. Many of them hate to see others happy and doing well. A lot of them will hate you just for the fact that you refuse to be place...
You are a priceless gift to the world. Your presence on earth is highly important and necessary. Therefore, it's time to stop dancing to other people's tunes and start creating your own. Your true purpose in life is different from everyone else's. Yo...
Some people ask me, 'Why do you do what you do with so much passion?' So I tell them, I prefer to be a helping hand to others than to sit around and watch them suffer in the territory of pain and suffering. It doesn't hurt to share your God's given g...
Never waste any moment of your life thinking about the negative things that some people said about your dream. Your dream is only there for you to believe in it. So as long as you have a strong faith in your dream, no one else has to believe in it fo...
There is truly nothing better than a simple lifestyle. Trying to keep up with the crowd is guaranteed to complicate your life. Please stop wasting all your money, time, and energy trying to get attention from people who don't even know who they reall...
A lot of people think that I don't go through some trials and tribulations because I am always in a good spirit. But I always tell them that the words in my thoughts are constantly in favor of my happiness and success. Therefore, no matter what is ha...
Virtually everywhere in the world, people still wake up and want their country to be more like the United States than any other nation. We are the envy of the world because of what we stand for and how our democratic process, flawed as it may often s...
I sometimes ask people, 'Can you be aware of your own presence? Not the thoughts that you're having, not the emotions that you're having, but the very presence of your very being?' You become aware of your own presence by sensing the entire energy fi...
I made 'Prozac Nation' necessary reading because I write necessarily. I tell my story because it is about everyone else: in 1993, people took pills to relieve the pain just like they do now, but it scared them; it doesn't any more, because talk is no...
The word's out: I'm a woman, and I'm going to have trouble backing off on that. I am what I am. I'll go out and talk to people about what's happening to their families, and when I do that, I'm a mother. I'm a grandmother.
I used to know Brian Howard well -- a dazzling young man to my innocent eyes. In later life he became very dangerous -- constantly attacking people with his fists in public places -- so I kept clear of him. He was consumptive but the immediate cause ...
when I look at people fighting with ammunition and weapons of all kind I ponder within me;somehow as a cynic. Ammunition's and weapons are good for war; Yes,they are better necessities to winning battle but the best choice of weapons are neither ammu...
Paul like Jesus, shocked the guardians of Israel's law by his insistence on treating the law as a means to an end and not as an end in itself, by his refusal to let pious people seek security before God in their own piety, by his breaking down barrie...
At no point am I ever threatened by people who question who I am, or why I like the things I do, or my legitimacy. Because I know who I am very strongly, and I think that's what geek culture can reinforce.
There will always exist inequalities which will appear unjust to those who suffer from them, disappointments which will appear unmerited, and strokes of misfortune which those hit have not deserved. But when these things occur in a society which is c...
People who walk across dark bridges, past saints, with dim, small lights. Clouds which move across gray skies past churches with towers darkened in the dusk. One who leans against granite railing gazing into the evening waters, His hands resting on o...
by adding together these three differences - between what we have and what we'd like to have, what we have now and the best of what we've had in the past, and what we have and what other people have - you get an average difference which is closely re...
I don’t want my ‘part’ taken! I haven’t ‘got’ a part! I hate the stupid geometrical figures by which people try to understand the emotions of others, imposing hard straight lines - or ‘sides’ as they call them - onto tender curvaceous...
One of the reasons I chose to come to Liverpool was because of the mentality of the club. It's a working club and a working city. I don't know why, but I feel like one of the people here. They recognise me and wish me luck, but in Spain, they surroun...
At school, I'd sing in groups in the locker room or in the bathroom, which was like an echo chamber. The problem is I didn't know how to get started singing professionally. The pool hall was my Facebook. I'd hang out there to keep up with what was go...