Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure.
If you say that the history of the Church is a long succession of scandals, you are telling the truth, though if that is all you say, you are distorting the truth.
I remember running up to my dad and saying, 'I want to be an actor when I grow up!' And him saying, 'Yeah, well we'll talk about it.'
I spend a great deal of time with the President. We have a very close, personal, loyal relationship. I'm not, as they say, a potted plant in these meetings.
So many directors say nothing beautifully, and so many others say great and profound things but have no idea how to read a light meter or arrange a shot.
I would never say John Kerry would be a great president. I will say that George Bush has divided us; he has filled this country with hatred.
Before you can make good music, you just have to shut up. Then the music can say what it has to say.
I'm good at what I do, but I wouldn't be so bold and arrogant as to say something disrespectful about, say, Eminem. He's talented and he's good at what he does.
Whenever someone says to my mum: 'How's your son doing?' she says: 'Which one?' If you're a parent, you're not going to go: 'Oh I'll concentrate on the famous one.'
It is something that is called MDS. It is a rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow. I'm going to beat this. My doctors say it and my faith says it.
I have no idea what I'm going to say when I stand up to give a toast. But I do know that anything I say I find funny.
Democrats are dumb and Republicans are stupid, but the difference between dumb and stupid is dumb isn't funny. Dumb is when you say something and the whole room goes, 'What did he say?'
I'm a pastor. I say, 'Let the church say amen,' and that settles it. Everything has been said, you know; it's like we have to agree with God.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Books say: she did this because. Life says: she did this. Books are where things are explained to you, life where things aren't.
They say that shadows of deceased ghosts Do haunt the houses and the graves about, Of such whose life's lamp went untimely out, Delighting still in their forsaken hosts.
Scientology helps you lose your insanities. One of the keys is, they say, 'You're in charge of your life, buster. You're responsible for any condition you're in.' If I look at it that way, it helps.
Inconsistency on the part of pastors and the faithful between what they say and what they do, between word and manner of life, is undermining the Church's credibility.
I feel like in my music I can be a rebel. I can say things I wouldn't say in real life.
My wife heard me say I love you a thousand times, but she never once heard me say sorry.
I think of myself as someone with a kind of Tourette's. I cannot help saying the thing you're not supposed to say.