Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
say what you mean and mean what you say
They say that the best furniture and clothing design from the '50s and '60s is Scandinavian or Milanese.
When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.
He says black, I say white and we do grey
I didn't want to be a catcher. It was thrust upon me, as they say in the classics.
I assume everything I'm saying in an email or saying on the telephone is being looked at.
All those things they say about a baby changing your perspective - it does!
It's not what I do, but the way I do it. It's not what I say, but the way I say it.
They say geniuses mostly have great mothers. They mostly have sad fates.
I'm a good actor in that sense for directors because I always do what they say.
They say any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.
The Hippocratic Oath says do no harm. It's the Hypocritical Oath that says do no harm to one's political future.
Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.
They say the camera never lies. It lies every day.
I always mean what I say, but I don't always say what I'm thinking.
To say more while saying less is the secret of being simple.
Bernie Mac just says what you think but are afraid to say.
I'd rather try and fail than not try at all, as they say.
You talk to the real cops and they say ninety percent of it is paperwork.