As we grow up, nothing changes more than the definition of loss.
The more you respond to change externally, the more solid you need to be internally.
I would rather be lying in a bed than changing one.
Change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not.
Hands burn for a stone, a bomb, to shiver down the glass. Nothing's changed.
You’re right, I do indeed want you. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re an asshole.
When you realize the awesome power of words, you can change lives.
Winter changes into stone the water of heaven and the heart of man.
Find the Grace in the things you can’t change, and help somebody if you can.
Something new always slowly changes right in front of your eyes - it just happens.
A rapper is about being completely true to yourself. Being an actor is about changing who you are.
Any movie that has that spirit and says things can be changed is worth making.
In my day, the players used to work their socks off. It's all changed now, obviously.
If the basic structure of Grameen is changed, the worry is that the poor women who are the rightful owners of the bank will be disenfranchised.
In my view, stability only comes with a government that is elected by the people and works for the people.
Democracy is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. Capitalism is ‘of the capitalist, for the capitalist’. Period.
I think it's really important that the people who are going to make decisions for other people have fair, truthful and compassionate regard for all people, not just some people.
God is good for everybody. The sun shines on good people and bad people, and it rains on both, too. God doesn't choose rain only for bad people.
As a kid, I always idolized entrepreneurs. I thought they were cool people in the way that I thought basketball players were cool people. It's cool that some people get paid to dunk basketballs, but I'm not one of those people.
I don't think evil people or negative people are inherently interesting all the time. People who are good people getting better at being themselves - to me, that's something that's really interesting to watch.
I have always hired people of different ages. Young people and older people. People in their 70s and in their 20s. People who are fully capable of talking back to me.