Money doesn't make people happy. People make people happy.
I’m so shy that if you played “Guess The Mannequin” with me and two mannequins, you’d pick me, because I’m the quiet one. Still, it’s important for me to get out and meet people, even if that means hanging around department stores wearing...
The only people who don’t need elevator pitches are elevator salesmen. I once tried to sell an elevator to a man who owned a one-story building. He didn’t buy from me, but he did sell me on the benefits of leaving his lobby without any bullet hol...
Some people live in cages with bars built from their own fears and doubts. Some people live in cages with bars built from other people's fears and doubts; their parents, their friends, their brothers and sisters, their families. Some people live in c...
If a rich man eats a snake people say, "This is wisdom!" If a poor man eats a snake people say, "This is folly!"
Poor people entertain with the heart.
You live and let live, eventually that becomes enough.
For a time, then, we stay. For a time. Till the changes.
Without language, they have no lies. Thus they have no future.
Breathing is the master key of life.
There is the strange power we have of changing facts by the force of the imagination.
We don't have to accept the things we might change.
Time had changed the magical to mundane
Evil never dies. It just changes faces.
Grief does not change you. It reveals you.
You cannot change what you are, only what you do.
Nobody can change who you are, except for you.
Love hurts when it changes us.
Change is inevitable, they say. Struggle is optional.
Do you want to change?" "It's the only evidence of life.
Change & transformation. That kind of magic.