Luckily, no one I've ever been in love with has needed me to save their life!
Ban partial-birth abortion except to save mother's life.
There is nothing more noble than putting yourself in the line of fire to save a life.
Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.
One hardly saves a world without ruling it.
There are a lot of shows that have been saved because the fans weighed in.
He who hesitates is sometimes saved.
if there are no heros to save you, Then you be the hero
Hey, any time you're throwing bodies over board it is to save yourself.
Data: Pinchers of Peril... saved by my Pinchers of Peril!
Sergeant Horvath: We're in business!
Mellish: [shouting] Upham! Upham! Ammo goddamn it!
I was very fortunate that I saved my money and I still do.
It's real difficult to save when you don't have any money.
There is nothing evil save that which perverts the mind and shackles the conscience.
The church saves sinners, but science seeks to stop their manufacture.
I had a vision with which I might have saved my people, but I had not the strength to do it.
Sell your materials but save your morals.
You save yourself or you remain unsaved.
A day may sink or save a realm.
Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.