Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a clear conscience, I will sleep in peace.
Good Friends are like STARS in the night, their light is a beacon that guides us on the path of peace, love and contentment.
Peace and rest at length have come All the day's long toil is past, And each heart is whispering, 'Home, Home at last.
I crave for knowledge. I envy tolerant, peaceful folks. I am frightened by ignorance. I loathe violence.
The most part of all princes have more delight in warlike manners and feats of chivalry than in the good feats of peace.
Words to invoke peace & awareness. Words to create freedom and fairness. Words to plant sacred seeds. and sing us back into balance.
Yoga may look peaceful and calming, but even Arnold Schwarzenegger would have trouble breathing after twenty 'surya namaskars' in a row.
I now fear, less. I step into my power, peace + love. Because fear is the enemy of my soul.
Every one was born with a guardian angel. Guardian angels brightens our journey of life with divine love,protection,peace, healing,grace,strength and miracles.
Success is not defined by status, money, education, career or another person but rather by the level of peace that I have within myself.
I think I’ll feel out of place wherever I go on earth, forever. But that’s fine. I have to make my peace with that.
I began by doing physical yoga, initially just for the workout, as exercise. I would get peaceful and calm at the end of it, and I was curious about that.
An innocent bird is not innocent from the insect’s point of view! Only man can attain the rank of innocence through becoming a peaceful vegetarian!
Unless you have a very good reason, never wake up anybody or anything! Let the sleeper sleep in peace.
If forgiveness, kindness and humanity could have changed something; today we would have been living a peaceful world.
Peaceful is the one who's not concerned with having more or less. Unbound by name and fame, he is free from sorrow from the world and mostly from himself.
Too much time is wasted fighting one self and life itself. Peace and fulfilment emerge the moment you embrace both.
I believe there are certainly racial problems in this country, and I believe that peaceful solutions can help bring the races together.
One person's success is another's first step, only you can rate your achievements and find peace within yourself.
Your words will either give you joy or give you sorrow, but if they were spoken without regret, they give you peace.
The victory is not to change the mind of the critic; it is to evaluate what you can learn and discard, yet still walk away with peace in your heart.