To live in peace one must be blind, deaf, and mute.
Through photography and image I have been afforded the privilege of sharing the stories and myths of people's lives with others. The process for me became self-revelatory. It was a process of soul-making, something all humans are engaged in, no matte...
Thinking is a tiring process; it is much easier to accept beliefs passively than to think them out, rigorously questioning their grounds by asking what are the consequences that follow from them.
Sleep is a kind of peace, and I have not yet earned peace.
The beauty of the soul; inner peace and joy.
There's no peace like the peace of an inner courtyard on a sunny day.
You actions are your only true belongings.
To forgive does not mean to condone.
To forgive does not mean to forget.
Patience is supported & nurtured by a quality of forgiveness.
Only a strong America can guarantee a peaceful world.
If others are going to make war; we celebrate peace and love.
True peace is when you can be happy in the midst of chaos.
You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace. Power to the peaceful.
We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I've always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace.
I never will have peace of mind. I'm not constructed that way. Some things in life can be horrible.
Instead of a man of peace and love, I have become a man of violence and revenge.
True peace is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.
Peace is truth, trust, and harmony. Peace is joy, love, and great care.
He who sows PEACE will reap PEACE; he who sows TROUBLE will reap TROUBLE.
Peace is not the absence of intolerance Peace is a way of life with joy of tolerance.