She was my black rose, a broken angel I could hug and drift away with into peaceful oblivion.
PlaymatesI have lost my smile, but don't worry. The dandelion has it.
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday LifeThere is no rest in the heart of God until He knows that you are at resh in His grace.
Perfect PeaceYou can't lie a lifetime,son. Either you gon' tell the truth, or the truth's gon' tell on you
Perfect PeacePeace be upon you, for you have persevered! How excellent, then, this fulfilment in the hereafter!
The QuranWe must relentlessly and unyieldingly protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.
Voice of ReasonIn order to understand, observe, deduce, man must first be conscious of himself as alive.
War and Peacethe same question arose in every soul: "For what, for whom, must I kill and be killed?"... p982
War and Peace