Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.
You have to make peace with life.
Be the reason of peace.
My ambition is peace and perfection.
Peace is the absolute Knowledge.
Papa, I'm ashamed that you think women are so simple. We can make decisions for ourselves too, you know. I'm not a child or a baby anymore, so I'm allowed to speak my mind. And if you don't wish to hear it, just tell me so and I'll go into another ro...
Les mots trompent, puisque celui de plaisir couvre des réalités contradictoires, comporte à la fois les notions de tiédeur, de douceur, d'intimité des corps, et celles de violence, d'agonie et de cri. La petite phrase obscène de Poseidonius sur...
I mean-- no offense, Leonard, but you really don't like to climb ropes, and get into the Marine Corps, and kill your countriy's enemies, do you?" I said that it wasn't one of the big goals of my life. "Well, maybe you'd like me to get you into this c...
Tout est inutile et il faut au moins avoir le courage de ne pas se faire de prétextes. J'aurais aimé clouer la nuit sur du papier, comme un grand papillon nocturne. Mais, plutôt, c'est elle qui m'a soulevé de ses eaux, comme le corps livide d'un ...
Big Joe: [shouting to the captured German Colonel] Look! We're not worried about the German army, we've got enough troubles of our own. To the right General Patton, to the left the British Army, to the rear our own goddamn artillery, and besides all ...
Peace is the first condition of joy.
Olympics for me is love, peace, united.
Peace is a fresh flower.
Peace begins with a smile.
Ignorance is a menace to peace.
Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace.
My message is all about peace.
I prefer the path of peace over war.
I've made my peace with myself.
Arafat was a barrier to peace.
If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.