I love speed. I love racing cars, whether it's on the streets or wherever. Don't tell the St. Louis police, though.
If you think back to your first love, you always remember them and little things always remind you of them.
In all love stories the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.
When I do fall in love, I'll go to the ends of the earth for that person. I'd lay down on a carpet of nails for the person I love.
Historically, filmmakers always fall in love with every frame, but now that even neophytes are given final cut, this love affair carries with it serious economic implications.
Our love of what is beautiful does not lead to extravagance; our love of the things of the mind does not make us soft.
So much of movie acting is in the lighting. And in loving your characters. I try to know them, and with that intimacy comes love. And now, I love Voldemort.
I love when people get songs wrong. I love when people take something from a song that's totally not what I intended!
A lot of fans know that I love motorcycles. That's a big love of mine. I could spend days on the bike if I had the time.
I'm a girl that loves cars. I've always loved them. I love to drive with the windows down, sunroof open, and music pumping.
I'm most comfortable definitely when I'm on the ice. I love to play. It's something that I just love to do.
The love I have for my ex-girlfriends will always be there, so I think that's true love.
I like to make money; I like to have nice things. But I love to act; I love to tell stories.
I can say I'm not doing 'X-Men.' I love the franchise, and I love the people who make them on and off screen.
I love traveling. I love just going about on my own, feeling I have no roots.
I love action films. I'd love to do an action drama. I'm always looking to give my character something action-oriented to do.
Children love their mothers. Especially with a boy child and his mother, there's a bond that's unbreakable. I love my mother to this day.
As you get older, you realize it's work. It's that fine line between love and companionship. But passionate love? I'd love to know how to make that last.
There are different types of love, and my love for my child is like me and my mum. We've gone through a lot of rocky patches, but we never stop loving.
I love Mount Fuji and I think it is my love of the mountains in Japan that led me to seek other mountains around the world.
Cafe De Flore speaks of love, its joys, its pains and its dramas - to love and to lose. This story upset me, I was upside-down, in the depths of myself.