And historically the owners have used loyalty to a team or a city to hold players as opposed to always paying their worth.
Children pay little attention to their parents' teachings, but reproduce their characters faithfully
I left Indiana, and I ain't been back since. I've been doing comedy and paying my bills.
If you stop for one second and do something, everyone is happy. You pay it forward and it comes back to you twelve-fold.
Fat people are funny … until obesity pays your loved one a visit.
I pay my own bills. I feel my own pain.
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay.
God gave us the Trees, the Breeze and the Seas. Let’s not forget to pay our fees!-RVM
We pay a person the compliment of acknowledging his superiority whenever we lie to them.
Fairness dictates that the highest income people should pay the greatest share of taxes, and they do.
That is someone who follows the teachings of the nonviolent Jesus and takes the gospel personally, and then pays the price. I fall into that category.
I do think that Magna Carta and international law are worth paying some attention to.
They pay little attention to what we say and prefer to read tea leaves.
I was determined not to become an American citizen but I did it for completely cynical reasons: to avoid paying inheritance tax in the U.S.
Most Americans pay lip service to the idea of freedom, but can't handle real freedom.
To me, the print business model is so simple, where readers pay a dollar for all the content within, and that supports the enterprise.
You can take a chance with any man who pays his bills on time.
I have these ideas that people go 'Oh, that's cool. I'd pay to see it, but I'm not gonna give you $25 million.'
There is a very serious fiscal-policy question of, 'Are we running our overall fiscal policy such that we as a government can pay our bills?'
I figure if I have my health, can pay the rent and I have my friends, I call it 'content.'
The growing attention Americans are paying to what they put into their mouths has touched off a new scramble by the processed-food companies to address health concerns.