Man is a harbinger to his own doom. The moment you begin to pay heed to trifling issues, you dwarf your very existence of being human
There have been moments where I'm like, 'I don't know how I'm going to survive and pay next month's rent.' And the next month I'm filming a movie in New York City.
For Members of Congress, we are saying here on the Democratic side of the aisle we are not going to vote for another pay increase for Members of Congress until the American people get an increase.
The people of Florida in 2002 voted and approved class size limits in Florida to make sure that the State pays for smaller class sizes and not local districts.
Gen. Banks has issued an order for the instruction of Negro children. Schoolhouses are to be built or rented and Teachers hired for this purpose, and the farmers and planters are to pay the Taxes in support of this.
To swim against waves is always an impossible task, but if you manage to do you will reach the shore where nobody even thought of. - Dr. Karan M Pai
I have a B.A. in Spanish, so briefly I thought that somebody might pay me to speak Spanish badly in another country, like Norway.
If there was a payment to the bank due, and we needed shoes, she'd get the shoes, and then deal with them guys at the bank. I don't mean she wouldn't pay the bank, but the children always came first.
I chose to camouflage my body into the environment because this way, people will pay more attention to the background's social property, and the meaning of my body disappeared in this environment as an individual.
When you think about it, giving up your 'real' personality is a small price to pay for the richness of 'living happily ever after' with an actual man!
When I left school, I got a job in a shoe shop and I used to save 15 quid a week and pay for my own singing and acting lessons.
Why do writers write? Why do actors act? Why do painters paint? It doesn't pay much, unless you're very successful. It's who we are.
Credit card companies pay college students generously to stand outside dining halls, dorms, and academic buildings and encourage their fellow students to apply for credit cards.
A very large percentage of economic activity is shifting online and it makes sense that there are more services that are going to charge. It also means there are going to be more people willing to pay.
Come to me in my dreams, and then By day I shall be well again. For then the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day.
You get social pressure from your parents, who teach you to pay attention to certain things and not to others. You get it in school.
I have known no man of genius who had not to pay, in some affliction or defect either physical or spiritual, for what the gods had given him.
Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential.
Give a person a job you help them pay some bills, teach them how to find a career and you provide them with sustenance for life!
When in some communities selling drugs is so lucrative that that's a pretty big enticement that we have to break down. Part of that is by making opportunities and paying decent wages.
Wisdom of the Ages: "Theaters" I think it is horribly unfair that children and old people get discounts, but blind people have to pay full price.