Toxic remnants of war represent a profound challenge for the protection of public health and the restoration of the environment in countries affected by conflict.
Education about gender and peace is important. Educational strategies to promote peace must consider all relations of dominance.
I salute every individual who honours the core values of peace and help in one way or another to make a difference.
2nd step towards achieving peace is to support disarmament policies because arms fuel tensions and undermine peace and stability.
Our values were under attacks, in Paris Tell them: We stand UNITED We'll defend our values We'll NOT be DIVIDED
Paul's portrayal of Jesus as Christ may sound familiar to contemporary Christians—it has since become the standard doctrine of the church—but it would have been downright bizarre to Jesus's Jewish followers. The transformation of the Nazarean int...
Colette de Montpelier: Paul... the police were here yesterday looking for you. The Jackal: Did they say they were coming back? Colette de Montpelier: No, only that I should phone if... [pause] Colette de Montpelier: Paul, I know you stole that car. I...
Harry Terwilliger: Paul, we're not gonna have some Cherokee medicine man in here whoopin', hollerin' and shaking his dick are we? Paul Edgecomb: Well actually... Toot-Toot: Still prayin'! Still prayin'! Gettin' right with Jesus! Harry Terwilliger: Do...
Paul Sheldon: [holding a rolled-up page of his manuscript] Remember how for all those years, nobody knew who Misery's real father was, or if they'd ever be reunited? It's all right here. Does she finally marry Ian, or will it be Winthorne? It's all r...
[Paul is trying to get into a nightclub] Club Berlin Bouncer: Got any money? Paul Hackett: Yes I got money. Is that what this is all about, you want money? Why didn't you ask for that in the first place man. Here, it's all I got. [gives the Bouncer a...
Alonzo: [after killing Roger and shooting Jeff] It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Mark and Paul, you kicked the door down. Jeff's the first one through. Roger hits Jeff twice. [to Jeff] Alonzo: What's the matter, one go through? Tim: Y...
Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
Ridiculous stuff happens when I travel.
I'm not picky. When I'm hungry, I eat.
Grace does not contest the powers-that-be through an effective show of verifiable strength but through a persistent and subversive recoding of how one defines what strength and weakness are.
Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today's stand...
The work of art, just like any fragment of human life considered in its deepest meaning, seems to me devoid of value if it does not offer the hardness, the rigidity, the regularity, the luster on every interior and exterior facet, of the crystal.
Různí vůdcové používali až příliš často heslo, že vedou svůj lid do boje za svobodu, zatímco ve skutečnosti ho chtěli zotročit. Že žádný slib neoslovuje člověka mocněji, dokazuje i to, že i vůdci, kteří chtějí svobodu po...
Whoever wants the "I" to yield up its mysterious and tremendous secret must stop it from looking perpetually in the mirror, must stop the little ego's fascination with its own image.
The philosophic outlook rises above all sectarian controversy. It finds its own position not only by appreciating and synthesizing what is solidly based in the rival sects but also by capping them all with the keystone of nonduality.