I wasn't one to go out and buy a new car and stereo system and expensive clothes. My mom helped keep me grounded.
What's monotonous about being an actor and often makes me want to throw in the towel or drive a car off a bridge is the auditioning - the waiting around.
On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the goings-on in one's own town.
Doorman - a genius who can open the door of your car with one hand, help you in with the other, and still have one left for the tip.
I'm gonna be making records anyway, even if I had to sell 'em out of the trunk of my car. I'm that kind of musician and singer.
I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet. You step out of the car and it's bedlam. Everyone's got crazy eyes.
I hate fishing, and I can't imagine why anyone would want to hike when you can get in the car and drive.
'Cars' is a really personal story for me because, first of all, I grew up in Los Angeles - the car crazy capital.
The first real thought that I had of something that I might do was to write for car magazines, because I always had a car thing.
The first thing I ever rode when I was a kid was a motorcycle, so I knew how to drive a motorcycle before a car.
I cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day. I exfoliate once a week and carry makeup wipes in the car for freshening up.
It will be a hard game if you think about winning a championship. We need to think about our own game at the moment and focus on getting good results especially over the Christmas period.
Because Dad was famous, I was so used to being identified as 'John Huston's daughter' that I couldn't think of myself as anyone else.
I loved Dad more for treating the biological reality as trivial, irrelevant. He loved me no less than his other three children.
If my Dad doesn't like you, you will know. My Mom is just too innocent to ever lie. She doesn't even cuss.
My dad named me Dakota and my mom came up with my first name Hannah. So it's Hannah Dakota Fanning.
There's sometimes a weird benefit to having an alcoholic, violent father. He really motivated me in that I never wanted to be anything like him.
My dad's in banking, my mum manages the American branch of a Swiss vitamin company; they're really busy, but they still come to all my premieres.
My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School. After they got married, all they wanted to do was have four children, and they did.
It's hard to be a son of a candidate. It's hard to be a brother of a candidate. I think it may be the hardest thing to be the dad of the candidate.
My dad believed in scaring us as we were growing up. Scaring the boys who wanted to date us more.