You never cash out a 401(k) or IRA to pay off debt, unless it's to avoid a foreclosure or bankruptcy.
I can't imagine anything more important than air, water, soil, energy and biodiversity. These are the things that keep us alive.
Ultimately we need to recognize that while humans continue to build urban landscapes, we share these spaces with others species.
Water is our most precious resource, but we waste it, just as we waste other resources, including oil and gas.
Many scientists and economists also say putting a price on carbon through carbon taxes and/or cap-and-trade is necessary.
Because countries often have differing political and economic systems, agreements are needed to protect those invested in trade.
I thought I would reflect here on a theme most scientists enjoy recalling: the part luck played in their accomplishments.
Nobody cares about your wardrobe, what your tie looks like, or even if you're wearing one, and I don't.
We were like heroes, to stand there and observe the police, and the police were scared to move upon us.
If they had not murdered Malcolm X, there probably never would have been a Black Panther Party.
Few developments in campaigning have been as vilified and misunderstood as independent expenditure PACs, or, as they are colloquially known, super PACs.
I'm sure people are shocked when they see a guy speeding and cutting them off and having road rage while in a Prius.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon would often write a song a day, so I have the same workmanlike philosophy.
The slow rejection of the foreign skin grafts fascinated me. How could the host distinguish another person's skin from his own?
I do not expect that homeopathy will ever be established as a legitimate form of treatment, but I do expect that it will continue to be popular.
I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.
There is no way the American public will sit still for the banning of or putting any significant restrictions on the kinds of guns they want.
Certainly, my manager Gary Ungar was the first person to give me any attention and hustle for me. This was back in 2009.
I talk to millions of people every day. I just like it when they can't talk back.
Nixon didn't mellow with his success, he became embittered by it.
But, as my mother used to tell me, two wrongs don't make a right. But I soon figured out that three left turns do.