Follow your intuition, listening to your dreams, your inner voice to guide you.
The environmental crisis arises from a fundamental fault: our systems of production - in industry, agriculture, energy and transportation - essential as they are, make people sick and die.
In every case, the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists, who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards.
The wave of new productive enterprises would provide opportunities to remedy the unjust distribution of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic communities.
By adopting the control strategy, the nation's environmental program has created a built-in antagonism between environmental quality and economic growth.
Have we failed to slow global warming pollution in part because climate and environmental activists have been too polite and well behaved?
Among the remedies which it has pleased Almighty God to give to man to relieve his sufferings, none is so universal and so efficacious as opium.
I've learned a lot of tricks from working with a lot of great producers over the years, and I think I should write a book about it!
It's always great playing with other musicians. It's also a great situation where I'm the older guy, I've influenced generations of guitar players.
Both my parents were working in politics when I was growing up, so going on stage was not that great a leap.
If Occupy Wall Street can see their way to more collaboration with the union movement, then there will be a great deal of political action possible.
This is a great time for the 'guerilla marketer.' The days when you used to have to buy expensive TV time and a yellow page ad to get started are gone.
Bob Dylan is great. I've been compared to him a lot. I think when people see a person on stage with a guitar they just think, 'Bob Dylan!'
I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds.
Reality TV finds talented people. There are no scripts. The editing is what it's all about. Great editing makes those shows.
I will announce some of the tombs I found next to the great pyramid of Khufu. One is an intact tomb that I have not opened yet.
I love data. I think it's very important to get it right, and I think it's good to question it.
I had this inferiority complex as a child, as I was not good at speaking. I was also not good in studies or sports and would often flunk in four-five subjects.
I'm a big fan of Rand Paul; he and I are good friends. I don't agree with him on foreign policy.
Libertarians recognize the inevitable pluralism of the modern world and for that reason assert that individual liberty is at least part of the common good.
People, not just reporters, are more interested in politics than in government, so the actual issues wouldn't be something that interested them.