This is an orchestration for an event. For a dance in fact. The participants will be apprised of their roles at the proper time. For now it is enough that they have arrived. As the dance is the thing with which we are concerned and contains complete ...
But what is the past? Could it be, the firmness of the past is just illusion? Could the past be a kaleidoscope, a pattern of images that shift with each disturbance of a sudden breeze, a laugh, a thought? And if the shift is everywhere, how would we ...
I see a lot of actors that are doing things to please their coaches, their teachers in the past. They say 'No' to parts they should have said 'Yes' to simply because of the opinion of people in their past. I have no one in my past who is judging me a...
You can always tell gifted and highly intelligent people as they always turn to the past. Any young person who knows anything that happened before 1980, or 1990, or 2000 for that matter, is immediately someone who is intelligent, probably creative, m...
Kill a fly in the past and it may drastically change your future.
There's nothing in the recent past I want to write about.
There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.
We always project into the future or reflect in the past, but we are so little in the present.
I have no doubt I was someone very interesting in a past life.
But what is past my help is past my care.
In the past, NASDAQ has defended flash orders.
Hope is Future and Future is present ,Present is past and Past is Mystery
I can't live off of yesterday - that's in the past.
You try to avoid the mistakes you made in the past.
In the past, there's always been one leader that has led the pack to development of the music.
A life lived without forgiveness is a life lived in the past.
There's no sustenance in the past.
As Ariel recounted the events of her dream, two magnificent, batlike wings grew from the backs of her shoulders, stretched as if preparing to fly, then retreated back into their host. The sound heard when the wings disappear is the giggling of Alanna...
This book is a memoir - not of specific life events, but of the processes of dissociation, and of re-enlivening emotions that are shameful to admit or even to feel. It is an account of the altered states that trauma induces, which make it possible to...
The concept of a Miracle, that is, an event that takes place somehow beyond the scope of functional Reality, is absurd. . . There cannot be a true miracle. There can only be events that appear miraculous when you don’t really understand How Life Wo...
To be able to accept the wonder and the marvel of one's own personality, however flawed or 'accidental,' and place it in and trust it to the hands of the One who made it, is one of the greatest achievements in life.