[first lines] Title Card: 1757 / The American colonies. / It is the 3rd year of the war between England and France for the possession of the continent. / Three men, the last of a vanishing people, are on the frontier west of the Hudson River.
[first lines] Prince Eric: Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face. Aaah, the perfect day to be at sea! Grimsby: [leaning over rail] Oh, yes urp delightful.
[last lines] Idi Amin: Because many of the people who, uh, broke relations with Israel, they are not only Muslims, they are also Christians. This particular certain point is very important... [interrupted by minister]
[a wall of soldiers line the ramparts - the top of Gimli's helm barely peeks over the top] Gimli: [to Legolas] You could have picked a better spot.
[first lines] Yuri Orlov: There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?
[last lines] Avner: Break bread with me. Come on, you're a Jew in a foreign land. It's written somewhere I should invite you to break bread with me. Break bread with me, Ephraim. Ephraim: No.
[last lines] Waitress: Excuse me, but are you Paul Sheldon? Paul Sheldon: Yes. Waitress: I just wanted to tell you I'm your number one fan. Paul Sheldon: That's... very sweet of you...
[last lines] Secret Service Man: Excuse me, Mr. President. When you're ready to leave, your car's right over there. President: In a moment. Secret Service Man: Yes, sir.
[first lines] Man 1: [voiceover] Quiet on the set. Woman: [voiceover] OK, everybody, quiet on the set. Man 2: [voiceover] Scene 1, take 10. Marker. Man 1: [voiceover] And - action!
[first lines] Patton: Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
[last lines] Sally Gerber: You know you did everything you could. Don't you? Chief Red Garnett: I don't know nothin'. [pause] Chief Red Garnett: Not one damn thing.
Vijay: [to Rani] [Last Lines] Vijay: Rani, please don't leave me. I really love you. I am sorry. [Rani hugs him, walks out of his house]
[last lines] Jim Stark: Mom. Dad. This is Judy. She's my friend. Mrs. Carol Stark: He's... [Frank speaks, overlapping so their words become unintelligible]
[last lines] Django: Hey, believe me, that story gets better when I tell it, okay? [laughs, then turns to someone off-screen] Django: Come on! Bring some food over here! We're starving!
Lt. Doyle: Oh, Jeff, if you need any more help, consult the yellow pages in your telephone directory. Lisa: Oh, I love funny exit lines.
Jack: Grace, you are a line staff. It's not your job to interpret tears. That's what our trained therapists are here for. Grace: Then your trained therapists don't know shit.
Norma Desmond: [Norma thinks Joe is a funeral director] I'd like the coffin to be white, and I want it specially lined with satin. White... or pink. Maybe red! Bright flaming red! Let's make it gay!
[first lines] Joe Gillis: Yes, this is Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, California. It's about 5 0'clock in the morning. That's the homicide squad, complete with detectives and newspaper men.
[first lines] The Salesman: [voiceover] She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree. I let her hear my footsteps. She only goes stiff for a moment.
[Marv's last line, blood pouring from his mouth, after the first shock from the electric chair] Marv: Is that the best you can do, you pansies? [They shock him again]
[last lines] Stanley Kowalski: Stella! Come on, Stella! Stella: I'm not going back in there again, not this time, never going back, never. Stanley Kowalski: Hey, Stella! Hey, Stellaaa!