This is not the time to be passive. This is the time to shape, sculpt, paint, participate… the time to get sweaty, to get dirty, to fall in love, to forgive, to forget, to hug, to kiss… this is the time to experience, participate and live your li...
Your decisions are the A.I.R. (Action, Impact, and Result) or the breath of life you take each day to live. Each decision is made from your action, the impact of the action, and the results of that action.
The most potentially transformative impact of social media is its ability to encourage brands to marry profit and purpose. The reason brands participate is that such outreach earns those companies social currency enabling them to start or participate...
To be straight, I was kind of a dork, and in order to fulfill the creative fires burning inside me, I participated vigorously as a Civil War re-enactor through most of my teenage years, traveling across the country to participate in large scale reena...
But, you know, I'm sorry, I think democracy requires participation. I mean, I don't want to proselytize but I do feel some sort of duty to participate in the process in some way other than just blindly getting behind a political party.
YouTube has become more mature, both as a platform and as a community. So much content has been added in almost every conceivable category that there are no more free passes on just getting there first. I think there are greater expectations for audi...
To change you must want to change, you must be responsible for the change, and then take action to make the change. It is your race to run so you need to choose your road wisely.
Life is for participating, not for spectating.
But the truth is that the world has changed. And not participating in the conversation is a loud statement of its own to your customer base. You can’t control your branding message in any case because your customers are already talking about you on...
Participation in the collective life of the polis both restrains the extraordinary individual and enlarges the ordinary individual, allowing him to participate in the extraordinary. An individual can achieve participatory excellence via the accomplis...
I was a pretty popular kid, and I participated in every sport.
The sense of national catastrophe is inevitably heightened in a television age, when the whole country participates in it.
Technology is one of the key drivers of female economic empowerment, but the fields that women choose to participate in are still decidedly gendered.
To learn, read; to understand, participate.
They've participated extensively in this conference and they are doing their best to help.
I was not someone who participated in other people's castles.
My desire to participate in the business is not to make more crap.
It is morally, politically and socially wrong for business as business or labor as labor to participate directly in politics.
What's wrong is that we are not participating to make this the type of government it needs to be.
Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control.
It is always better to fail than not to participate.