When Niki and I moved to Paris, there was also the challenge of Paris, an extremely daunting city.
Harry MathewsMan is an animal that "arrived"; that is all.
Philosophic Nights in Paris,: Being Selections from Promenades PhilosophiquesIl ne faut pas comprendre, il faut voir. Paris vous guérira. PARIS VOUS GUÉRIRA DU PASSÉ !
La nuit des tempsThe public's appetite for frothy, flippant blondes has waned, but Paris Hilton still fascinates me.
Diablo CodyI was never sure what possessed Guy and Teo, 2 alien princelings to land in Paris that day.
Aliens in ParisI act as a sponge. I soak it up and squeeze it out in ink every two weeks.
Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939He was a humorist, and everyone knew the funny writers were the most serious sort under their skins.
The Paris Wife