I'm constantly playing this game in my head where I'm thinking, 'Can this quote be pared down and misinterpreted?' It doesn't matter what outlet I'm talking to and how comprehensive the interview is, because I have to think in terms of, 'Right, but '...
Younger women tend to be busier, wearing more layers and more make-up. I don't know if it's because older women are more confident, or just that we don't care any more. But that pared-down approach is the same with the sentences I write; I take out a...
...así es la vida, guapo. uno sueña con ser feliz, pero sólo se da de cabezazos en la pared. yo sigo soñando, y todavía te quiero y te digo gracias por las pocas veces que me amaste y me hiciste sentir tuyo.
Mi pare di aver capito una cosa, e cioè che la vita è questo, salire e poi scivolare più giù, e ricominciare a salire. Le scivolate non contano. L'importante è che il percorso nel suo insieme vada più o meno verso l'alto. E' il massimo che si p...
The sun, like a golden knife, was steadily paring away the edge of the shade beside the walls.The streets were enclosed between old, whitewashed walls. Everywhere were peace and stillness, as though all the elements were obeying the sacred law of cal...
Iubirea e banală. Îți provoacă o intoxicație chimică foarte asemănătoare cu aceea dată de o reușită mult așteptată sau de mersul cu mare viteză. În acele momente, nu mai ținem cont de nimic și ne concentrăm doar asupra propriei noas...
How did you get back?' asked Vautrin. 'I walked,' replied Eugene. 'I wouldn't like half-pleasures, myself,' observed the tempter. 'I'd want to go there in my own carriage, have my own box, and come back in comfort. All or nothing, that's my motto.' '...
Every writer dreams of a perfect language. Every writer dreams of a language that obeys, that comes to heel. For some this language is spare and pure, pared down to reveal essential truths without ornament or obfuscation. For others it is devilish an...
However gross a man may be, the minute he expresses a strong and genuine affection, some inner secretion alters his features, animates his gestures, and colors his voice. The stupidest man will often, under the stress of passion, achieve heights of e...
Here comes Mamma Vauquerr, fair as a starrr; and strung up like a bunch of carrots. Aren't we suffocating ourselves a wee bit?' he asked, placing a hand on the top of her corset. 'A bit of a crush in the vestibule, here, Mamma! If we start crying, th...
No me queda más remedio que ser paciente, deshacer los nudos y volver a conectar cada hilo. Recomponer la situación. ¿Por dónde empiezo? No encuentro el punto de partida. Estoy anclado al pie de un alto muro. La pared que me rodea es resbaladiza ...
Mais Paris est un véritable océan. Jetez-y la sonde, vous n'en connaîtrez jamais la profondeur. Parcourez-le, décrivez-le : quelque soin que vous mettiez à le parcourir, à le décrire ; quelques nombreux et intéressés que soient les explorate...
[performing their first robbery in Bolivia] Butch Cassidy: [spanish] Manos a... Manos, um... [Butch pulls out a card that helps him remember his words] Butch Cassidy: Manos arriba! Sundance Kid: They got 'em up! Skip on down. Butch Cassidy: Arriba! S...
In writing I try to pare down the descriptive bits. If I feel that I could say something in as few words as possible, then I would rather do it than to go on padding. One should describe sufficiently to give the reader a sense of what one feels, but ...
What moralists describe as the mysteries of the human heart are solely the deceiving thoughts, the spontaneous impulses of self-regard. The sudden changes in character, about which so much has been said, are instinctive calculations for the furtheran...
Todos deben dejar algo al morir, decía mi abuelo. Un niño o un libro o un cuadro o una casa o una pared o un par de zapatos. O un jardín. Algo que las manos de uno hallan tocado de algún modo. El alma tendrá entonces un lugar a donde ir el día ...
Non ho atteso una risposta ai miei quesiti e sono rimasta seduta dov’ero, pronta ad alzarmi e ballare da sola sul brano seguente, che mi auguravo non essere un lento. In effetti, questo è forse il più grande difetto che si potrebbe imputarmi. Mi ...
Was she acting entirely consciously? No: women are always sincere, even in the midst of their most shocking duplicities, because it is always some natural emotion which dominates them. Perhaps, having given this young man such a hold on her, by havin...
The thing, whatever it was - and no one was ever sure afterwards whether it was a dream or a fit or what - happened at that peculiar hour before dawn when human vitality is at its lowest ebb. The Blue Hour they sometimes call it, l'heure bleue - the ...
Respirația mi se pare schimbul cel mai important pe care-l facem cu Lumea. Cum adică? Trag aer în piept. Aer care e plin de respirațiile tuturor animalelor, tuturor plantelor. De respirațiile părinților, bunicilor, străinilor, cunoscuților.....
No one ought even to desert a woman after throwing her a heap of gold in her distress! He ought to love her forever! You are young, only twenty-one, and kind and upright and fine. You'll ask me how a woman can take money from a man. Oh, God, isn't it...