Money is made at Christmas out of holly and mistletoe, but who save the vendors would greatly care if no green branch were procurable? One symbol, indeed, has obscured all others--the minted round of metal. And one may safely say that, of all the age...
We all know how it says it’s going to end, Dreamer, but no one knows for sure. That’s up to you, and your friends. It is the Four who shall decide whether or not it comes true, not a bunch of words written on a piece of paper. Not even,” he tur...
In a way, losing hope and losing importance are the same thing. It is that youthful vibrance, that eternal longing and believing, that makes youth so important--if you grow old and lose that without finding another way to be important, you will slip ...
Writing is finally about one thing: going into a room alone and doing it. Putting words on paper that have never been there in quite that way before. And although you are physically by yourself, the haunting Demon never leaves you, that Demon being t...
When one day took out of his pocket a paper which he read at the Académe, and which contained a demonstration of the famous Postulatum of , relative to the theory of parallels. This demonstration rested on an obvious paralogism, which appeared as su...
People do that sometimes. Change.
I've been with the paper for almost 30 years.
The press attack people to sell more papers without thinking, but when you get famous you have to put up with this kind of stuff.
What the world really needs is more love and less paper work.
All art is but dirtying the paper delicately.
It's hard to get everybody to recycle paper and plastic, let alone.
Commercial art is traditionally delivered to a client in a brown-paper bag with an invoice stapled to the outside.
People would rather have art or gold instead of paper money.
if you don't believe,nothing ever happens at all.
The heart of the melody can never be put down on paper.
To be a novelist, all I need is a pen and a piece of paper.
A verbal contract is worth about as much as the paper it's written on.
It is to be noted that when any part of this paper appears dull there is a design in it.
After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers.
I read in the paper that I'd slashed my wrists. But I didn't.
Writing is the dancing of the mind on a stage called paper.