But blind to former as to future fate, what mortal knows his pre-existent state?
Customers have different need states and life experiences.
Life is a series of sensations connected to different states of consciousness.
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia - to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.
One's true self-worth can only be defined by the state of one's inner-self.
The quality of your life depends on the state of your mental programming.
I would rather be without a state than without a voice.
I'm never scared to ask a question or state the obvious, y'know.
A state always calls itself fatherland when it is ready for murder.
Some laws of state aimed at curbing crime are even more criminal.
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.
I grew to manhood in the Ohio State Penitentiary.
The present state of the world is normal; it with the last (19th) century that with the abnormality.
I don't believe Iran is a suicide state.
Actors were exploited no less by the capitalist managers than they were by the state.
Surrender is not a weakness, but rather an empowering state of humility.
A State can sue for negligence as well as fraud damages.
I was very productive as a senator for my state.
The people of our state will no longer tolerate advocates of treason.
There's no conflict between the social-welfare state and open markets.
To be involved in a senior tournament back in the States is very satisfying.