I started studying mythology, just on my own. Joseph Campbell, mysticism.
I absolutely want to have children, whether I have my own or adopt.
'400 Blows' was so much like my own childhood, it really stunned me.
To do something very common, in my own way.
I hated being imprisoned in my own home, my wolf hated it.
Be your own politics, grow your own garden, and maybe you can help out more.
I produce for a low price and I sell it on my own to 80 countries.
The Russian people have their own cultural code, their own tradition.
As a viewer, my own work elicits strong emotional reaction from me.
Superior writers, videographers and other content makers want to work with their own kind and for their own kind.
I'm so critical of my own work that it's difficult for me to disassociate myself and watch it as an audience.
On problems finding female ancestors,of any background, remember "I cannot put gas in my car without a note from my husband. The Car, the house, and everything else I think that I own is in his name. When I die, I cannot decide who will receive my pe...
How many people today live in a language that is not their own? Or no longer, or not yet, even know their own and know poorly the major language that they are forced to serve? This is the problem of immigrants, and especially of their children, the p...
I believe in going with the flow. I don't believe in fighting against the flow. You ride on your river and you go with the tides and the flow. But it has to be your river, not someone else's. Everyone has their own river, and you don't need to swim,f...
The eagle was killed by an arrow made from its own feathers.
The eagle was killed by an arrow made with his own feathers.
The hunchback sees the hump of others -- never his own.
An ennobled peasant does not know his own father.
Everyone thinks his own spit tastes good.
A hunter's knife cannot carve its own handle.
A kitchen knife cannot carve its own handle.